
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I will do better...

So it seems I have fallen a little of the track of updating my blog...wait ok ALOT off the track! My sister reminded me today on my facebook so here I am.

This title I think fits this blog well...I will do better at updating-my blog...yes, but also I want to do better at my relationship with God, and do better at the little things in life that make things easier whether it be a friendship, or relationship with boyfriend, family and coworkers. I went to church this Sunday with Sarah, you see I havent quite found that church that I just really enjoyed here in College Station yet. I have tried several different ones from time to time, but just havent found my niche in churches...until this weekend! I was so happy and felt so good when I left. I could not wait to go back, I could not wait to tell my sister and parents I had finally found that one church I loved!! It was an amazing feeling!!!

Onto another note- we are doing Secret Santa at work!! I have not participated in this fun little Christmas tradition in forever it seems!! I LOVE IT! It has been soo much fun getting my person their gifts and be secretive about it all, and writing little poems for her to read!!!! :) And I must say that I have a WONDERFUL SANTA AS WELL!! The first day they got me all sour candies-may a santa hat!!! It was awesome! And it had a cute poem to go with yet! Yesterday I got headbands, nail polish, and a pink sparkly nail file!!!...annnd another cute lil poem again!!! Then today I came to work and in my leasing box was my gift!! My clever little Santa got Rocky some treats, a toy, and a dog bone and me some gatorade with a cute poem!! It was so cute!! I cant wait for tomorrow to see what my little santa has in store for me...especially since I am only here a 1/2 day!!! and gone on Friday!!! And most of all I cant wait to find out who this little clever one is!!!

Well I need to get back to work...things are really crazy around here!!! :)