Yep! You Read that right! I know so many people HATE AT&T, but I have actually always had a rather pleasant relationship with them. Minus the random drop calls from here to there, I have been pleased with things they do for me! I don't know if I am just a rather lucky customer, or have a charming voice! I like to think the ladder of the two ;). This week AT&T proved to me that they deserve my business!! My upgrade date was November 2011 and I noticed a few months back that it was changed to April 2012. I kept forgetting to call about it....until Wednesday morning! My nice little Iphone,that was in GREAT shape, had a little fall after I worked out and the screen cracked. Luckily, it did not shatter, but a crack indeed is across the screen. I was super bummed since I am totally in love with my apps I have on my phone right now, ridic I know!
I called #611, I always use them instead of the store! So much more helpful!!! They did much research and got the manager to figure out why my upgrade date had changed and found nothing! They overwrited the upgrade date and are letting me upgrade in November! Such nice people! I was a pleased customer! :) They always get me what I want! Now here is to hoping that the Iphone5 is out come that time!! :) Anyone have any hints or ideas as to when that thing is coming out? I hear OCt. 4th they are releasing the details!! :)
Well Have a good Friday! I know I will enjoy my weekend with a wonderful surprise to come home to on Sunday! :)
Keep it Real,
My phone is so ridiculously slow and stupid, and I'm past due for an upgrade, but I'm waiting on the iphone 5 too. All the stuff I've read also says Oct. 4-Oct.12!