
Monday, August 13, 2012

{Weekend Rundown}

Hope your weekend was fantabulous and you took it all in, because here we are at Monday again! Weekends just fly by, and so does life when you are living it weekend to weekend I feel! haha

So this weekend Josh and I headed to yet another wedding. A high school girlfriend of mine got married this past Saturday in Austin. It was so good to see everyone, including Lin who just moved to Virginia last month! We enjoyed some yummy mexican food at Chuy's, Pool Time, and catch up time! It is aways a good feeling to be reunited with your long time besties and know that everything through the years is still exactly the same! 
Here are just a couple of shots I took- the rest are on line's camera!

Lindsay, Betsy, Kristen, Me

Sunday, we got out of town early and dropped Lin back off at the airport to get a rental. We grabbed lunch at a little cafe in Harper an hour from home and it was quite delish! Once we got home, we went to pick up Rock and he was FILTHY! Needless to say he had a blast at his babysitters playing in the water with the other pups! We got our naps and resting in before tackling some domestic jobs 1- folding sheets and making guest bed 2- Cleaning bathroom and unpacking 3- Cleaning out Josh's Closet (see Below) and 4- I cleaned and reorganized our desk area and two junk drawers ! I will take pictures when completely done, but I forgot to even take before! It looks WAY Better tho!

We had quite the productive Sunday for us! 

Until tomorrow, 


  1. Loved your outfit at the wedding! You looked gorgeous!

  2. sounds like such a fun time—and your blouse is super cute!

    i love a good re-organization...soo satisfying!!

  3. Yay! y'all were busy bees!!! :)
