
Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Well Hello

Wow, to say it has been awhile would be an understatement….
to say time flew by would be an understatement…
to say this last year has been a bumpy ride would be an understatement…
but to say that this life I live is blessed….would be on point!
because this life I live reminds me each and every day of how blessed I am.

It has been awhile since I showed my face around these parts….life happens sometimes…and sometimes different things take preface over others….and for me the blog took a major back burner to it all.

I am not going to update you on everything that has gone on, because that would just be boring. But I hope to keep up from here on out.

I am happy to say that my little family of the Husband, dogs and pony are skipping our way through 2014. I cannot believe it is half way over! Missy Mae and I have been entering some rodeos/barrel races and are enjoying every minute and improving each time! Baby showers seem to be taking over my life right now, and I am okay with that, but not yet on board. Workout fell on the back burner too, but happy to get that back in my life now! Sometimes Life happens….whether you are ready for it or not!

So here is to the 2nd half of 2014! :) Come for the ride, it'll be fun! Let's see what is in store :)

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