
Monday, March 26, 2012

26 Days...

I saw this on a blog the other day. It was from a girl and her visual of her wedding! It was something I had never heard or thought of before, but yet very fitting and feel it came at the most perfect time of my planning! I love it and feel it is so perfect. She said

"I felt my vision began with the concept that this wedding was a big deal, but not the biggest day of my life. Each day after the wedding was more important than the day before, in that growing together was the whole reason we decided to get married! It was almost like I envisioned this wedding as a send off party. We both were leaving our individual lives and individual needs to share needs, concerns, struggles, debt, etc. with each other. In other words, life was no longer going to revolve around our own needs, so we were gonna need one fabulous night with friends, family and dancing because things were gonna get craaaaaa-zzzy after that wedding!"

I absolutely love this. So many times we get caught up on this BIG day and lose track of what it really is. This is the day that I marry my best friend and begin a new journey of life together. It is no longer just me. No longer my life and your life. It is now OUR life, and OUR struggles, and OUR happiness. It is the day you get to be joint together with god in front of friends and family as a new family, the two of you. This excites me! This iiisss like a send off on our new journey together and farewell to our old lives as two separate people! And what a great way to do it! Having everyone there is soo important, because these people are so dear to each of us as individuals, and now as a married couple. And these people will be the ones to help us along our journey! So here is to the last final days as a me and I and cheers to my future as being a We and US! Life is much sweeter with your best friend and love by your side and I cannot wait for it! :) So bring it April 21! I am ready!!! and for all the wonderful days to follow!

With Happiness,

1 comment:

  1. Let me worry about the day, you worry about the days after...

    Love you,
