
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Showered with Love

This weekend Josh and I packed up and headed to the great town of College Station late late Friday night for a weekend with friends and family for our first official "Wedding Shower" ! Seriously, I have never felt so blessed, and loved, and excitement! It was great to get to spend the evening with our friends and family-all the people that mean the world to us and are huge parts of our lives. The hostess did a wonderful job with everything from the decor, to the food, to the cake and cupcakes, to the beverages provided! I know Josh and I were extremely thankful to all who came,all those who worked hard to make it a great shower, and we enjoyed every minute of it!

Here are a couple of pictures I got snapped on my camera

I feel the showers are only a tiny preview of what the wedding will be like. Before I knew it, everyone was gone, gifts were opened, and goodbyes had been said. It was a whirlwind of trying to visit with everyone, and mingling! This I believe, is just a small small, no TINY glimpse of how the wedding will be. I sat back hoping I said thanks to everyone, and talked to everyone, and hugged everyone (even though we all know I am not a hugger! Mom and Josh say I need to work on that!) But I hope/ and know at the wedding we will say our hello's and thank yous and then make sure we have a good time on the dance floor with friends and family celebrating our new lives together! I cannot wait to just dance and have fun and live in the very moment of my wedding!!

It is approaching fast. I believe it is like 43 days or something like that. CRAZAY!! After invite drama, we finally received them and mom has been working away to get those out. We addressed them ourselves not wanting to take any chances of having to wait on ANYONE else that we do not have control over, but they have control over us by not hitting deadlines. STRESSFUL to say the least. And even with the drama of the invites, and after receiving them, we were 10 short. So needless to say it was CLOSE.

We got our first RSVP last night! That was an exciting feeling and makes it all so real! :) I cannot wait for the last leg of the planning journey and all it entails!

Until next time,

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