What a week! We got rain, rain, and more rain! This is def a drastic turn around from last year and a great blessing for sure. But last week between Tuesday and Thursday we got Almost 8 inches of rain. Needless to say every dry creek bed on the ranch was flowing and we were about 2 inches from being flooded in to the ranch and not leaving- which would not have been a terrible thing! I worked Monday through Thursday this week and josh worked well...not those days. Since his job is centered around being outdoors the rain put a damper on that.
Thursday he set out to pull the neighbors truck and trailer out that had gotten stuck- good neighborly gestures! And then him and his brother headed into town to check our water crossing. It was fine when they wet to town and 45 mins later when they returned it had risen almost 3.5 feet. Yes feet. They, being the men they ate, decided to try there luck and drive across it. They did make it, but josh will tell you "my butt cheeks were puckered the whole time" haha. The water was to the top of hood. And if that wasn't enough for one day, he comes home be greeted by Sampson at his brothers house- who was left inside the house. So he heads home to check on Rocky and little boy is being good laying on the mat inside the front door. He never left or went out, but good ol' Sammy was soaked and Nelson left us two dead deer bones inside. Awesome. The highs of living on a game ranch.
Rocky enjoying one of the creek beds flowing! He did not understand that the stick would flow down stream and lost about 4 of them haha!!
This weekend was nice down time for the Nashes! We got to enjoy a nice date day and movie Friday and hung out with his dad and Paige on Saturday. I've been trying to kick a cough so it was nice to relax and lay low. I found my first point while arrowhead hunting....and then got distracted and lost it while playing with Rock. Oops.
Well today is Monday. Back to the grind of work....and workout. This is a positive. First one down for the week! More to come.
Keep It Positive and Happy
Yay for the rain! Sounds like an exciting week :) Hope we got a bunch at the river!