Is anyone else hooked to reality tv post the same way I am? I know it's trash TV and they all may not be so much reality, but Boy do I love me all things Kardashian, All things Real Housewives, Giuliana and Bill, And Kendra!
I love Tamra's one liners, the feud between Melissa and Teresa, and Kim's awesome 72 day marriage! I even get Josh to watch a few with me and we laugh about them together, and discuss real life instances and how they handle them! Dorks I know! I like to call these shows my guilty pleasure! Although, I do watch other shows, these are my faves!
RHOC wrapped up last night and OMG! What a finale! I have watched this show for awhile, and seen it from the beginning of Gretchen. Cool thing is she has always been the same true person throughout it all, which is neat. I love how real she is. Vicki on the other hand, wheeew can we just say she is having quite the season, possibly a mid-life crisis? and Sarah- WHO ARE YOU ANYWAYS? And I just love the new additions Heather and Terry. Heather is so classy, and it is hilarious to listen to her go off on someone. "This is the end of the Sarah Chapter, now go" haha!
Thoughts on this season: Tamra finally saw Gretchen for who she really was and has gained a great friendship, Vicki is in denial of Brooks, changes everything around like Brianna said, and jealous of the new found friendship, annnd a hyprocrite, Alexis she is just a little loopy, and Heather, well she has her shit straight and is so cool, Gretchen I love what she stands for with Slade and his debt and is being honest about not being ready for marriage because she is not going to take that on until he shows more effort to solving it!
Great Season! CANNOT wait for the reunion, whooo shi* gon' get CRAZAY!!
onto the RHOJ....Teresa vs. Melissa (or cast) battle! Whose side are you on?
I personally love how Teresa wants to move forward but constantly dwells on the past. She does have a lot going on, but girl has some issues. It'll be good to see how this whole thing plays out.
Just a little Reality TV to kick off your hump day!