
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Reality or Not, I'm hooked

Is anyone else hooked to reality tv post the same way I am? I know it's trash TV and they all may not be so much reality, but Boy do I love me all things Kardashian, All things Real Housewives, Giuliana and Bill, And Kendra!

I love Tamra's one liners, the feud between Melissa and Teresa, and Kim's awesome 72 day marriage! I even get Josh to watch a few with me and we laugh about them together, and discuss real life instances and how they handle them! Dorks I know! I like to call these shows my guilty pleasure! Although, I do watch other shows, these are my faves! 

RHOC wrapped up last night and OMG! What a finale! I have watched this show for awhile, and seen it from the beginning of Gretchen. Cool thing is she has always been the same true person throughout it all, which is neat. I love how real she is. Vicki on the other hand, wheeew can we just say she is having quite the season, possibly a mid-life crisis? and Sarah- WHO ARE YOU ANYWAYS? And I just love the new additions Heather and Terry. Heather is so classy, and it is hilarious to listen to her go off on someone. "This is the end of the Sarah Chapter, now go" haha! 

Thoughts on this season: Tamra finally saw Gretchen for who she really was and has gained a great friendship, Vicki is in denial of Brooks, changes everything around like Brianna said, and jealous of the new found friendship, annnd a hyprocrite, Alexis she is just a little loopy, and Heather, well she has her shit straight and is so cool, Gretchen I love what she stands for with Slade and his debt and is being honest about not being ready for marriage because she is not going to take that on until he shows more effort to solving it! 

Great Season! CANNOT wait for the reunion, whooo shi* gon' get CRAZAY!!

onto the RHOJ....Teresa vs. Melissa (or cast) battle! Whose side are you on?

 I personally love how Teresa wants to move forward but constantly dwells on the past. She does have a lot going on, but girl has some issues. It'll be good to see how this whole thing plays out.

Just a little Reality TV to kick off your hump day!

Monday, June 25, 2012

Weekend Away

What a weekend. It is Monday, which means back to the grind of everyday work for 5 long days. Luckily, I love my new position and cannot complain, but I am a little tired today from a long fun fun fun weekend with some friends. Before I get to the weekend, first things first, these are my gorgeous flowers from my husband for our 2 months! :) He is such a sweetie! There is a funny story behind our 1 month anniversary so these made for a pleasant surprise and good laugh! :) He is so awesome.

Moving on to the weekend! My dear friend Lindsay is a newlywed, and now an army wife! She moves next THURSDAY to Virginia for 4 months and then on to Washington after that! It is so crazy that she will not be a drive away anymore, but I am so happy for her on this new adventure! If you think about it or have a few moments, plase pray for her and Jeffrey, her husband, as they drive across to Virginia and start the new chapter of their lives.

Our weekend was the best weekend ever, and only the best "Lin/Colby" style way to go out! Ashton joined us for the weekend since her hunny was away at the ranch with mine for a boys golfing weekend! Lin drove us to dinner Friday evening and we chatted and chatted over mexican food and margs, my fav!

The next day is when it all went down! A day of nothing going right! Long story short, Lin left the lights on in the car, and the battery was dead Saturday when we went to leave for the pool.
No biggie we'll jump it off, with the neighbors car, no luck.
Okay, we will charge battery, no luck.
Okay, we will put in N and push into street so we can get to the other two cars parked in front of it, no luck.
Call LandRover Dealership to  know how to get it into N, no luck.
(insert, lins car is at her dealership getting serviced but can get a loaner)
Call Tow company to come jump, or move, No luck
Call Lexus dealership and see if we can get loaner TODAY, YES.
Hop in a cab and ride to get loaner.
4.5 hours later and a $50 cab ride we have finally arrived at the pool!!!! :)

We Layed out and then chilled and got ready all while having beer and pizza! Then off to the bar it was! We had our cab driver lined out, but she too had car trouble and we had to drive ourselves after 30 min wait! :)

It was a blast! I cannot explain how awesome it is to have such great friends. Lin, her friend Cindy, Ashton, and I all had the time of our lives that night! I wish Lin the best on this next adventure and am so happy that I got to spend the weekend with her before she leaves Texas! Even if the weekend was a whirlwind of craziness, I would not have had it any other way!
Cheers to you, Lin! :)
*Pics from the weekend*

Atticus Boy!

Can't leave, just start drinking! :)

Cab ride through Houston!
At Taps, we came up with best game EVER!
Back home with my Rocky boy

Monday Mani for me

Happy Monday Everyone! 

Monday, June 18, 2012

Blissful Weekend after Stressful Week

What a week! Between starting my new position with no computer(yet) at the bottom of the hill, and still training the new Event Coordinate at the top of the hill, I worked a good long be everything to everyone type of week. It took it's toll on me emotionally to say the least. When I string myself out for you, and work my butt off and pile my plate on, I DO NOT deserve to be treated like crap and un-appreciated.

Needless to say the weekend, and time with my parents could not have come at a better time. My parents were headed this way for a mini-vacay in Fredericksburg! Josh met them and picked up Jakey because we were dog sitting for a few days! I planned on staying Thursday night with them and then they were coming back out to ranch Saturday evening!  It was nice to be around my parents Thursday night after a crappy crappy day! (Although I did get this nice gal Thursday before I got off which was a breath of fresh air)
Ah, Isn't she a beauty!

That evening We enjoyed a nice steak dinner and drinks and listened to live music!

I decided to go back and stay with them Friday as well and spend Saturday with them! (A girl needs just to be with their parents to make everything better) I was emotionally and physically exhausted after my week. I went for a 2 mile run through town and then enjoyed a nice evening with my parents!

Saturday we spent the day around town before heading back out to the house! I was excited to see Josh and my Rocky boy since I had not seen them in a few days! :)

We cooked out, drove around and looked at animals, and just enjoyed being with family. Josh and I live so far from them, we do not get that often! Dinner was amazing!
That night we discuessed plans for Sunday, Father's Day! I wanted to take my parents down to Leakey and Concan and show them the river and all the beautiful scenery there is! It is just up the road and they had never been, nor had Josh and I gone just to enjoy the day there!
We decided to make our first desitnation Garner State Park and drive through and go on a hike! Boy, did we go on a hike! It was amazing and the views were breathtaking!
Cowboy reading the map to the trails
Our Guide

At the top of the mountain

Crystal Cave

It was a great day! I canot wait to go back and hike more!!
We just enjoyed the cool pool and tank when we got home and took the pups swimming! :) Then cooked back strap for dinner, yumm! :)

Sweet Doc
Speaking Pups! Here is a precious pup we are sitting for the week! 12 weeks old!
He is my brother-in law's pup!

Have a Happy Rest of Monday!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

A Bitter Sweet Reality

My first true love was horses! Ever since I was a little girl I have ridden horses and it was not only a hobby but it was/has always been a huge part of my life. It didn't define me, but without my horse and riding I would not be me.

As many who know me, a tragic event at the age of 17 changed my life forever. I lost an amazing horse and friend. My horses aren't just a source to run and make money, but they are a way of life for me. They relax me and heal me. Losing him took a toll on me emotionally.

That brings us to Coup! He has been a huge blessing in my Life for many reasons. He is such a great companion. And over the years I have enjoyed hauling him with lots of friends to barrel races and rodeos and made a ton of memories!!

He's been layed off for about a year with a stifle injury (which has been an issue with him for awhile), so I have been bringing him back slowly. It's been so nice to ride again. Although he did not feel back to his old self, he was riding great and enjoyed it. Next plan on agenda was see if he could run/high lope barrels and then sale him!
Well last night that all changed. I rode him Tuesday and he felt wonderful! I had plans to haul him to my neighbors Wednesday and take him around barrels then give him break and just leisure ride Friday and haul him Saturday and see how he felt! Well we must have over did it Tuesday because he was pretty stiff when I got him out of his stall. I was pretty bummed to say the least. I walked him around and he loosened up quite a bit, which made me feel better. But it did prove he probably will not be able to really make runs around any barrels and will just need to be sold as a good trail riding companion horse.
This is a bitter sweet feeling. I am happy I now know where he is with everything, but bummed he won't be able to run again and we won't get to haul anymore. But I know god has a plan for me and him and will place the right person to be his next owner. He is a sweet sweet horse and a great companion. He thinks he is a dog. It will be terribly hard to let him go, but he cannot fulfill what I need him for anymore and horses are not cheap pets. I know he will make someone a happy person because he is one happy horse and enjoys being ridden! So please pray that this next process of selling my big boy goes smooth and I find the perfect home for him! Because he deserves it! All he will do is give a person love and happiness!

Monday, June 4, 2012

My Weekend

This was my first weekend cooking at the ranch for a group and getting paiiiid. It was pretty laid back group and pretty easy meals, but I was still nervous! All went really well and everyone seemed very pleased. A bunch of old men working outside all day, I'm sure any time of food to fill the stomach is great!!

Between meals I got to enjoy my weekend with my Rock man! We started the morning I the porch reading the last book of Hunger Games! I am almost done, and am loving it!! Next series: maybe I'll hop on the 50 Shades of Grey Bandwagon

Next Rock and I went to the tank to dip our toes/paws in the water and fish a little. Weather was great and Rocky loves to swim!

Nothing but Peaceful

Hope everyone has a marvelous Monday! I am finalizing things around the office before the new Events director starts tomorrow and I start my new job Wednesday!

Happy Monday!