
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

5 PUPPIES...whaaat?

Josh Calls me last week and verifies that my assumptions over the last few weeks of the ranch dog Lilly being pregnant are TRUE. He called and said "we have 3 puppies..." WHAT? 3 puppies...why couldn't she have just had 1 like last time I thought to myself, mid panic. I was nervous, because she is getting really old, and quit producing milk with Nelson and didn't seem to have much milk before this to me 3 puppies was going to be tough. And for anyone who knows me, knows I am an animal lover to the max and would want to make sure these pups have milk and are okay, but bottle feeding every 2 hours is out of the question for me and we know boys wouldn't take time for that. AND we were leaving Friday before lunch for the wedding. I told myself she would have milk,and to not get it way. Let nature and her instincts take their course. Then about 3 hours later I get another call from Josh, "Well, we have 5 puppies..." ha you can only imagine the shock in my voice...and face. "5 PUPPIES? OMG IS SHE DONE" "I think so" haha I sure did hope so, and she was.

So there we have it...we have 5 new puppies at the ranch that are now 5 days old. They are so tiny and all little girls! Three black and 2 colored like Nelson! Lilly is a wonderful mom and taking great care of them! She has milk and is doing good, but after this litter we are taking her in to get her fixed. I want no more puppies! I have enough dogs! They are EACH a full time job.

If you know anyone in the market for a dog, send them our way! These little girls are going to be super smart! The mom and dad are extremely smart and Nelson is as well!

Well just wanted to share the news of the new additions to the ranch temporarily...not permanently! :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Traveling Duo

This is exactly how Josh and I feel currently! Every weekend since January we have pretty much had somewhere to be and something to do! Whew! From friends getting married, to showers,to birthdays. to a concert we have been on the go!

This weekend My long time friend and bridesmaid, Lindsay, is getting married! I cannot wait for the festivities to begin on Friday! I work a 1/2 day and then we will be on our way!:)

Then the next weeked marks the beginning to mine and Josh's Wedding festivities! YAY! The time is finally here! I have been chipping away at details and getting things finalized. Of course, there is still a ton to do, but Hey, it is going! Today marks 2 months! So here is to the last two months before I become a married woman and a Nash! We cannot wait!

Until next time,

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Reflect on 2011, and Excitement for 2012

A little behind to say the least, but could not be more blessed with the year I have had. What a Year 2011 was! I want to take a quick reflection of 2011 and all the big happenings that made for such a incredible year!

I got a job in Kerrville, and made the move down to the ranch. It was a big step of faith and hope and I am sure glad I took it! Although Josh and I had been together for almost 7 years at the time, it was still a big step in our relationship. How were we going to work together, live together, and how were our lifestyles going adapt to eachother? And to be honest, it has been the best thing for our relationship! We have grown so much stronger and closer and I am cannot wait to spend the rest of our lives growing together in our relationship as a couple, god, and a family!


On April 9, 2011 Josh asked me to marry him! Of course the answer was yes! I was surrounded with all of my family and neighbors (who are my family)! I could not have asked for a more special night! It was simply amazing! :) I could go on and on about the night, but will not! :) Perfect explains it all!

Wedding Season
This then Began the craziness of weddings. From April 14 until June 25 we attended 6 weddings and between the two of us we were in 5 of those 6. Sressfull and busy to say the least, but full of excitement! MY sister got married and it was a wonderful ceremony and reception! :)

I do not have pictures available from all of them so here are a few:

Amy & Derick's Wedding

Bo & Sophia Wedding

Jess and Mike's Wedding

Sister's Bachelorette Party- Mad Men Theme

Sister and Tj's Wedding

Wade & Amy's Wedding

Nash Bash

I love my friends! Though we have all moved away and have grown up to mature...well somewhat mature adults! We still find time to get together and have a good time! We always have a big shindig on 4th of July weekend and the past 2 years have been at the ranch. This year we called it Nash Bash! It is right near Josh's birthday so we got shirts made and everything and surprised him with them! He loved it! We had a lot of fun with it and it was a nother 4th of July for the books.

Bad A, Port A

Ok so we like to party! Sorry! :) haha. A few weeks after 4th of July, we all packed up again and met in Port Aransas! Squirm found a super nice 3 story house for all of us to pack into and the 3 day weekend with friends began! From trespassing over a bridge in the middle of the night (not knowingly) to thinking a guy died when his parachute did not come out after sky diving, to many inside jokes and laughs, the trip was a success and I believe a 2012 one is in line!

We added a puppy to our pack

Lilly, the ranch dog had a puppy. We named him Nelson and he is a star! A little bit of a pest at times but a star!

Josh goes to Colorado
Once again, August rolled around and Josh headed to CO. I was the lone ranger at the ranch to defend for myself! The 3 months flew by and Josh was back home in November!


I got to visit the great city of Nashville for Shauna's bachelorette party! It was such a fun trip! :) I would def go back!!

Jost got a Promotion

Josh is now an empployee of Del Papa Distributing. He took over as head ranch foreman on the ranch we live on 1/1/12! :) He has worked super hard and I am so proud of him! I cannot wait for our future with the ranch and this company. We have been so blessed and cannot wait to see what else god has in store for us.

We moved
Along with the promotion, we get to move to the big house! It is incredible. Moving was a pain, but I would not have had it any other way. My mom even came down and helped us get organized because we had/wanted to be in the house before Larry got to the ranch on 12/30. We managed to get in, almost all unpacked, and decorated by NYE when the whole gang came over to check out the place! Everyone was so excited for us and loved the place. That meant a lot.

2011 was an incredible year and 2012 will only prove to be just as good if not better! I get to marry my best friend and soul mate in front of my friends, family, and god and go on a wonderful honeymoon to the Dominican Republic! Things are so wonderful! Taking time to reflect on all of your blessings is a humbling experience and reminds you to never take things for granted. God bless and here is to a great new year!

I promise to update more! :)

Until Next Time,